Patricia Gabancho Ghielmetti
Jordi Play

Patricia Gabancho Ghielmetti

Born in Buenos Aires, Patrícia Gabancho arrived in Barcelona at twenty-two years old. She has had an extensive career as a journalist and writer with a special interest in issues relating to Catalan history, urbanism, immigration, language, culture and politics. Among her other books are El preu de ser catalans (2007), on the relationship between Catalan culture and the market, and Crònica de la independència (2009), a book of journalism/fiction on the Catalan seccessionist process. She is a contributor to the newspapers «Ara», «El País» and «Nació Digital» and a regular television commentator. She is on the board of Catalan PEN and a member of the Association of Journalists. La néta d’Adam is her first novel.
