Original title: Benvolguda
Category: Fiction


Original title: Benvolguda
Category: Fiction

A masterpiece on surviving heartbreak

Remei Duran is a prestigious illustrator in her fifties who considers herself an attractive, happily married mother. Yet one evening, sitting in the back seat of the family car, she clearly predicts that her younger husband, a principal violinist in an orchestra, will fall in love with the second violinist, the woman sitting beside him, as they head to their home to practice. Neither Remei’s husband nor the young woman have realized this yet. But Remei has.

This devastating certainty leads Remei, a determined woman who since childhood has had to fight to survive, to a harsh realization of what it is to grow old inside. She must suddenly accept the vulnerability of marital love, the addictive dependence of motherhood, and the expiration date on her artistic career.

"Now I have scientific confirmation of this volatile state I’ve unwittingly gotten trapped in over the past year without having paid attention. The drop in estrogen combined with lactose intolerance and waning near vision make me look at the world through dragonfly wings. That allows me to see, with perfect clarity, that my husband will fall in love with this other woman."

In Dear, Empar Moliner displays her literary talents in a moving and unforgettable story about friendship, the passage of time, forgiveness and the secret rawness—that’s never spoken of and always down-played—of menopause.

Rights sold

3Times Rebel Press (UK), Mis Zalozba (Slovenia). 

Technical data

Publishing date: | 232 pages | ISBN: 978-84-664-2882-8 | Imprint: Columna Edicions

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