Four Coffins, Two Black and Two White
Original title: Dos taüts negres i dos de blancs

Four Coffins, Two Black and Two White

Original title: Dos taüts negres i dos de blancs

In 1943, in Carreu --a small town in the region of Pallars Jussà, made up of various, scattered farmhouses and populated by shepherds, farmers and woodcutters-- a family dies violently: father, mother and two daughters. The Civil War has left homes empty and the area has become a stop for Jews fl eeing the Nazis, for nomadic gypsies, deserters, smugglers, etc.
The age-old tensions and envy among families are heightened by isolation and the hostile climate. The reader will hear the suspicions, investigations and wrong moves by the law, and then discover who committed this crime that the Francoist authorities chose to ignore.

Highlights Four Coffins, Two Black and Two White


A reconstruction, in the vein of In Cold Blood, of the murder of a family in Pallars in 1943, a case
which lives on in the region, despite silence from the authorities.

Rights sold

France (Actes Sud).

International editions

Technical data

Publishing date: | 440 pages | ISBN: 978-84-7588-407-3 | Imprint: Edicions Proa