The First Captain
Original title: El primer capità

The First Captain

Original title: El primer capità

When one man’s dream becomes a stirring collective adventure.

Barcelona, autumn of 1898. A young Swiss, Hans Gamper, arrives at by train. For the first time in ages, he feels happy. The city is bubbling with activity, and since he’s found a job as an accountant, he’s decided to stay. All he’s missing is one thing: his sport.

In Switzerland, he was a soccer champion. But this new English sport, so fashionable in Europe, hasn’t left its mark on Barcelona. Gamper’s excitement and determination to put together a good team, a club, have no limits. And in November of 1899, the Barcelona Football Club is born.

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Technical data

Publishing date: | 352 pages | ISBN: 978-84-297-7849-6 | Imprint: Edicions 62

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