The Birds
Original title: Els ocells
Category: Fiction | General Fiction

The Birds

Original title: Els ocells
Category: Fiction | General Fiction

Virginia, a biologist, runs a vulture reserve in the village of Sant Salvador. One day, Dafne, a translator suffering a personal crisis, arrives and starts a relationship with Vador and also Judit, a rebellious teenager. The birds in the area are starting to behave strangely and, mysteriously, are beginning to disappear. It’s just like Hitchcock’s movie but in reverse: the birds aren’t multiplying but either dying or leaving and nobody knows why. The woman whose job it is to care for the vultures wonders whether it’s tourism, environmental changes or secret business being done by the mayor. What outside forces are influencing a village that, like so many others, is ageing and shrinking a little more every day? Have strangers arrived? What is going on? An extremely vivid human mosaic and an unsettling atmosphere keep the reader gripped right until the very end.

In a small town with a ornithological reserve, birds are disappearing at a worrying rate. 

Rights sold

Metropolis Media Group (Hungary).

Technical data

Publishing date: | 392 pages | ISBN: 978-84-16367-37-5 | Imprint: Editorial Empúries