Secrets of la badia
Original title: Els secrets de la badia
Category: Fiction | General Fiction

Secrets of la badia

Original title: Els secrets de la badia
Category: Fiction | General Fiction

Míriam is a twenty-four-year-old doctor in Barcelona. Her life changes when she decides to leave the city for a few months and travel to a hospital in Angola, a country where the dichotomy between the poverty of the majority and the wealth of those who live from corruption and diamonds raises many doubts and lands her in complex situations.

A thriller with an innocent but nervy protagonist. An experience where love glows on every page: love for her profession, for the ill, for the men in her life. Loves that bring her face to face with ethics, with the dangers of criminal gangs, and with the truth of her feelings.

A crime novel about the links between corruption, drugs, and extreme poverty.  

Highlights Secrets of la badia


Poverty, corruption, and drugs on every page.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 272 pages | ISBN: 978-84-664-2507-0 | Imprint: Columna Edicions