The Old Friends
Original title: Els vells amics

The Old Friends

Original title: Els vells amics

A novel about dreams to fulfill, vital decisions, values and the weight of friendship in our lives.

Five creative and restless young friends, students of Fine Arts, meet on a trip to Paris that, although it will only last four days, will mark them forever. They will remember it for the rest of their lives and will be like an anchor to the years of their greatest desires. Marc, Mateu, Lídia, Ada and Santi intertwine their lives and, despite their apparent differences, it seems that nothing can break what they have in common and what they value most: their friendship.

But life goes on its course, and its paths will be separated from those years of youth in which everything was pure instinct and ambition. The reality, cruel and practical, will be imposed without regard, and so will adversities such as the heart-breaking separation of Marc and Lídia, who after many years together will break a relationship that goes far beyond them, deeply affecting the rest of friends.

Highlights The Old Friends


A generational novel, which shows a vital, realistic, and emotional evolution of the characters with which we all feel identified. A novel that combines all the ingredients of Sílvia Soler's success.


An emotional novel, which masterfully describes each character, with which the reader will empathize.

A novel about dreams to fulfill, vital decisions, values and the weight of friendship in our lives.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 352 pages | ISBN: 978-84-664-2198-0 | Imprint: Columna Edicions

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