Honey And Ginger Cookies
Original title: Galetes de mel i gingebre

Honey And Ginger Cookies

Original title: Galetes de mel i gingebre

Arnau and Renata are two youngsters about to graduate from high school. He is a boy who secretly dresses as a girl; she is a girl who often changes the color of her hair and nails, feels fascinated by the number five, and periodically posts selfies to Instagram. He wants to be a doctor to help cure people, she wants to be a teacher like her mom. But as long as this future remains in the distance, they’ll take photos, come to know each other, see themselves like actors in a Netflix series, but above all, they will learn to live and to deal with the past that has brought them closer, but that they might never manage to understand.

Highlights Honey And Ginger Cookies


The love of two teenagers looking for their place in the world.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 304 pages | ISBN: 978-84-664-2665-7 | Imprint: Columna Edicions