The Fast Woman
Original title: La dona veloç
Category: Fiction | General Fiction

The Fast Woman

Original title: La dona veloç
Category: Fiction | General Fiction

"I am fast. I can’t help it. My sister is fast. My grandmother,a very important person in our family, was the same way. My father was, even though now he is not so quick. I come from a family where whoever was not fast enough was sooner or later exterminated (most likely sooner rather than later because in our house nothing that can be done today is ever put off until tomorrow). And if they were not exterminated then they would exterminate themselves».

Nes is a 48-year-old psychiatrist who lives under the pressure of a perception of abnormally accelerated time. Daughter of a surgeon in a provincial town, she belongs to a family divided into two categories: the fast and the slow.

Highlights The Fast Woman


An original look at one the great contemporary evils: The tyranny of the immediate and the difficulties in distinguishing what is “important” from what is “urgent”.


Ramon LLull Prize 2012

Rights sold

Italy (RCS), Hungary (Holnap Kiadó)

Technical data

Publishing date: | 384 pages | ISBN: 978-84-9708-238-9 | Imprint: Editorial Planeta