Real Life
Original title: La vida autèntica
Category: Fiction

Real Life

Original title: La vida autèntica
Category: Fiction

Oliver Bou always stood out for his writing. When he was a boy, he composed love letters for his classmates. Now, fifty years old and a successful author, he receives a request from his friend Pere to write letters in his name to Roxana Segarra, an editor he likes and hopes to make fall in love with him. The letters have the desired effect, and Pere and Roxana start a relationship. She suspects Pere isn’t the author of the letters––he’s not exactly a man of substance––but she feels comfortable and secure with him, until an unexpected event makes Roxana rethink everything and take a radical turn in her life. 

A new take on Cyrano de Bergerac: a man who writes love letters for a friend to make a woman fall in love, who ends up falling in love himself, and who is forced to suffer in silence when his operation is a success.

A love triangle taken to the limit.

A book about solitude and how two people can live “alone together” in contemporary society.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 288 pages | ISBN: 978-84-664-2811-8 | Imprint: Columna Edicions

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