They Called Her Lola
Original title: Li deien Lola
Pilar Romera

They Called Her Lola

Original title: Li deien Lola

Pilar Romera


Ribera del Ebre, the April of 1930. Dolors, Lola, is found dead on the shore of the Ebre river. Boada, her last lover and Ramsès, the village doctor, will investigate the case and
reconstruct her life beginning with her tough childhood by the river and her exile to a modernizing Barcelona at the end of the 19th Century. From the poor neighbourhood of Somorrostro to the luxurious salons of the Cercle del Liceu, they piece together scenes in the life of a self-made woman who kept a terrible secret for thirty years.

Li deien Lola videos

Highlights They Called Her Lola


A great love story of struggle and passion.


The courage of a woman in search of the truth.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 288 pages | ISBN: 978-84-664-2123-2 | Imprint: Columna Edicions