The Passion, Death and Resurrection of Manel Garcia
Original title: Passió, mort i resurrecció de Manel Garcia
Antoni Vives Tomás

The Passion, Death and Resurrection of Manel Garcia

Original title: Passió, mort i resurrecció de Manel Garcia

Antoni Vives Tomás


Manel García decides that he’s been living a false life and that the only way to be true to himself is to take a leap into the unknown.

Manel García is a car salesmen going through a complicated time in his life: he needs to keep his lover – a Dominican prostitute – happy and also preserve his weakening family ties to his wife, two children, siblings and especially his father, who is determined to play the role of family patriarch. Manel feels as though he’s living a false existence. When a close friend commits suicide it sends him over the edge and he takes a risky decision for which he will pay a very high price. One day,  Manel turns up dead. A young journalist investigates his death, uncovering a very different Barcelona to that of Manel’s former life. 

Highlights The Passion, Death and Resurrection of Manel Garcia


A great novel about the crisis of the traditional family and structures of Western society.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 592 pages | ISBN: 978-84-7588-631-2 | Imprint: Edicions Proa