To have a home, you've got to win the war
Original title: Per tenir casa cal guanyar la guerra
Category: Fiction

To have a home, you've got to win the war

Original title: Per tenir casa cal guanyar la guerra
Category: Fiction

These memoirs of Joan Margarit’s childhood are profound and illuminating. The poet doesn’t look through old datebooks or photo albums, doesn’t give in to nostalgia, doesn’t care if things are disagreeable: instead he plunges into those recollections that have lingered in his mind and tries to understand why they are there and what their relationship is to his life and his poetry.

Joan Margarit writes to understand life––not just his life. Only a good poet can turn a personal anecdote into a universal symbol. The intention of these pages is to discover the value of life in a childhood and adolescence that aren’t always pleasant.

Highlights To have a home, you've got to win the war


An exceptional book: the first narrative work by Joan Margarit.


No Catalan poet is as popular as Joan Margarit, with thousands of readers for each new book.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 296 pages | ISBN: 978-84-7588-728-9 | Imprint: Edicions Proa