Overcoming Fear. The Life of Gabriel Ferrater
Original title: Vèncer la por. Vida de Gabriel Ferrater
Category: Fiction

Overcoming Fear. The Life of Gabriel Ferrater

Original title: Vèncer la por. Vida de Gabriel Ferrater
Category: Fiction

A narrative biography, in Jordi Amat’s explosive style, of Gabriel Ferrater, an essential Catalan intellectual of the 60s and 70s, published now on the centenary of Ferrater’s birth.

Jordi Amat aspires to get to the bottom of Gabriel Ferrater’s character through a narrative biography revealing unpublished documents and an accurate portrayal that doesn’t shy away from the darkness of one of the most brilliant figures in the history of Catalan culture.

Gabriel Ferrater (1922-1972) was a unique intellectual in the cultural wasteland of Francoism: for his lucid intelligence, his rejection of any form of dogmatism and for his independent criteria, as evidenced by the deep imprint he left on art criticism, literary criticism, and linguistics. Ferrater was the first modern poet of post-war Catalan literature and the most influential on the literature that followed. His evident alcoholism and his suicide shortly before his fiftieth birthday imbued him with a legendary aura.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 384 pages | ISBN: 978-84-297-8011-6 | Imprint: Edicions 62