Soccer Women
Original title: Dones de futbol
Category: Non-Fiction | Feminism

Soccer Women

Original title: Dones de futbol
Category: Non-Fiction | Feminism

The story -or stories- of pioneers, fighters, referents and new stars that have built within soccer a space of dignity for women.

There are more and more fans and there is more and more investment. Professional soccer is now a solid, viable option for the best women’s clubs in Europe and the United States, and many players are beginning to add advertising deals to their sports contracts. But reality has not always been so generous to the female soccer player, who for decades has had to fight against insults, bans, sexism and harassment in order to be able to play soccer.

This book is an exciting journey through the almost one hundred and forty years of history of women’s soccer that, in Spain, was not recognized by the Royal Spanish Football Federation until late in 1980. And all of this with the energy of hundreds of courageous women who paved the way.

Recent important moments, such as the World Cup in France, which was a media success around the world, or Barça’s victory in the Champions League, have reinforced a place of interest for women’s soccer.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 264 pages | ISBN: 978-84-664-2856-9 | Imprint: Columna Edicions