Making Money
Original title: Fer diners
Category: Non-Fiction | Management

Making Money

Original title: Fer diners
Category: Non-Fiction | Management

A Judeo-Catalan method to save money and get rich.

The origins of each of us define, in large part, who we are and how we manage our life, both emotionally and economically. Based on the experience of Teodor de Mas and his ample family saga (the Mas, the Valls, the Rocabayera, the Izard, the Tejedor, the Ventosa, the Indarte and the Badia), the author delves into the subject, explaining economic concepts and vital anecdotes for better day-to-day management, all with the aim of saving money, making you rich and thus freeing you from the obligation of having to work for others. Furthermore, Making Money will help you face the challenge of the endless economic decisions you must make in your life. Unquestionably, this book makes good business sense for everyone!

Technical data

Publishing date: | 480 pages | ISBN: 978-84-664-2996-2 | Imprint: Columna Edicions