I Hear You, I Understand You, I Love You...
Original title: T'escolto, t'entenc, t'estimo... i per això t'educaré sense sentir-me culpable
Category: Non-Fiction

I Hear You, I Understand You, I Love You...

Original title: T'escolto, t'entenc, t'estimo... i per això t'educaré sense sentir-me culpable
Category: Non-Fiction

A phenomenal book for twenty-first century parents who feel lost amid so many theories and new ways to raise children: why don’t we try and get back our self-assurance as adults capable of raising children, and stop feeling guilty for not spending enough time with our children, for not giving them everything they need, for their feelings of abandonment when we punish them?

Comellas encourages a return to common sense, to not overprotecting children, to letting them get bored, to not cramming their schedule with homework or activities, to permitting them to discover the world, but with responsibility and the knowledge that their aren’t the king of the hill, that they form part of a family and a society where children have not just rights, but responsibilities.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 272 pages | ISBN: 978-84-664-2464-6 | Imprint: Columna Edicions