Jesús Moncada
 ©Francesc Guillaumet
©Francesc Guillaumet

Jesús Moncada

Jesús Moncada (Mequinensa, 1941- Barcelona, 2005) is the author of three story collections, Històries de la mà esquerra (1981), El Cafè de la Granota (1985) and Calaveres atònites (1999), three novels; Camí de sirga (1988), La galeria de les estàtues (1992) and Estremida memòria (1997) and the essay collection Cabòries estivals (2003). Much of his work has been translated into over twenty languages. He has received numerous awards and distinctions including the I Premi dels Escriptors Catalans for his collected fiction and its unique place in Catalan literature.
