Mario Suárez

Mario Suárez


Mario Suárez González (Madrid, 1978), has a degree in Journalism from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, and since 2012 has been Editor in Chief of Prisa Revistas, which publishes magazines such as ON Madrid, the cultural supplement of El País newspaper, Rolling Stone and Dominical. He is the author of Ilustradores Españoles (Spanish Illustrators, Ed. Lunwerg, 2013) and the publishing hit Cocina Indie (Indie Cooking, Ed. Lunwerg, 2012), which has gone into three editions. He has also published Los nombres esenciales del arte urbano y del graffiti español (The Essential Names of Spanish Urban Art and Graffiti, Ed. Lunwerg, 2011) and a biography of Fito Cabrales (Fito y los Fitipaldis) Soy todo lo que me pasa (I am Everything that Happens to Me, Nowbooks, 2008). Now, he is also an exhibition organizer and cultural director as a partner at the Gunter Gallery ( and Mulafest 2013, the Urban Trend festival of Madrid.