Blue-Nose Stanislav's Journey to the Moon
Original title: Estanislau del nas blau i l'ascensor a la Lluna

Blue-Nose Stanislav's Journey to the Moon

Original title: Estanislau del nas blau i l'ascensor a la Lluna

A fun and endearing story that inspires little ones to overcome their fears and achieve their dreams
Stanislav is an ordinary mouse who dreams of becoming an astronaut so he can go to the moon and see if it’s made of cheese. But he has a problem: he is afraid of heights. Then he comes up with the idea of building an elevator to get there, something he does with the help of his neighbour Vincent, a very gossipy mouse. Together, they will form a great team and live an unforgettable adventure.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 40 pages | ISBN: 978-84-1389-762-2 | Imprint: Estrella Polar

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