The Witch Hunter
Original title: El caçador de bruixes

The Witch Hunter

Original title: El caçador de bruixes

In the middle of the 16thCentury, in the lands of Ebro, a skinny man of peaceable, unthreatening appearance left a trail of terror, desolation and mistrust in his wake. Joan Malet, the first witch hunter in the history of Catalonia, went from town to town at the request of the authorities with the macabre remit of identifying witches and warlocks whom, according to the superstitions of the age, caused crops to fail and killed animals and people. His cruel practices do not go unnoticed by the General Inquisitor of Barcelona.

The story of one of the darkest but little known people in the history of Catalonia and the innocent women he unjustly sent to the scaffold.

An entertaining, powerful and pacey novel along the same lines as The Witches of Arnes, based on a true story from medieval Catalonia.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 256 pages | ISBN: 978-84-297-7489-4 | Imprint: Edicions 62