God's Finger
Original title: El dit de Déu

God's Finger

Original title: El dit de Déu

A compelling account of friendship, survival and forgiveness.

A writer falls into an alcoholic spree after living a tough childhood and rebellious teenage years. Nora, who is one generation older and that helps her as a cleaning lady, has also known the lows of a life with plenty of dramatic events, ever since she was abandoned in a hospice. The two of them will write in their own accounts, about their pasts, their relationship and what they are going through. And also, intertwined with their stories, a third voice postulates itself as the true author and starts pouring down stories fuelled by its personal experience that will slowly start seeping into the protagonists lives and the novel as whole.

Showing a very refined ability to evoke, and provided with such an exceptionally talent to conceal sensuality and vivacity, Raquel Ricart writes her richest, most complex work to date, a journey to the struggling lives of characters marked by their readings —from Jean Rhys to Agatha Christie; from Lucia Berlin to Selma Lagerlöf amongst many others. Build upon three main narratives, three voices that intertwine and mirror each other to bring to light a most striking story of friendship, survival and forgiveness. A deeply moving piece written with such delightful, extraordinary use of language.

“A magnificent literary chain, Raquel Ricart does not create characters, she writes people. In their flesh and bones, damaged. What a wonder.”

Núria Cadenes

“Raquel Ricart’s prose is sensitive, well-traced, writing in such a neat and
genuine language.”

Martí Dominguez

“Raquel Ricart is such a fine storyteller. I can only hope that everyone will realise it with this novel.”

Tina Vallès

Technical data

Publishing date: | 352 pages | ISBN: 978-84-7588-962-7 | Imprint: Edicions Proa