The Woman Who Lost Herself
Original title: La dona que es va perdre
Category: Fiction | General Fiction

The Woman Who Lost Herself

Original title: La dona que es va perdre
Category: Fiction | General Fiction

Alícia is a dispirited architect who one day meets a timid and tired looking topographer who steals her heart. But Artur and Julia, who share an office with Alicia, are convinced that the topographer is a spy who has come from another planet to map out ours. When the topographer jumps through the window, Alicia decides to trust her intuition and follow it until she finds what is buried below the streets of the city. La dona que es va perdre is a subtle work of fantasy, a modern day farce that explores the limits of reality and plausibility, until we begin to doubt everything that surrounds us.

Highlights The Woman Who Lost Herself


Dive into a world where nothing is what it seems.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 256 pages | ISBN: 978-84-9787-771-8 | Imprint: Editorial Empúries