If you dare
Original title: Si t'hi atreveixes
Category: Fiction | General Fiction

If you dare

Original title: Si t'hi atreveixes
Category: Fiction | General Fiction

A mix between a coming-of-age novel and a mystery, Si t’hi atreveixes is a cocktail of genres: a drama with touches of comedy and intrigue; it is also a portrait of a generation and a tribute to literature, film and television... Pere Antoni Pons tells the story of characters who have just entered adulthood and, amid their confusion, all they know is that they don’t want to give up on happiness and their most private ambitions. Achieving that will take much more courage than it seems on the surface, and perhaps daring to do whatever it takes. When a shady criminal case appears in their lives, everything takes an unexpected turn.

Highlights If you dare


Two friends reunite after many years and find themselves embroiled in a murky criminal situation. 

Technical data

Publishing date: | 304 pages | ISBN: 978-84-9787-940-8 | Imprint: Editorial Empúries

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