Under the same sky
Original title: Sota el mateix cel
Category: Fiction | General Fiction

Under the same sky

Original title: Sota el mateix cel
Category: Fiction | General Fiction

The year is 1941, and Claire lives with her mother in the small village of Cambes-en-Plaine, in Lower Normandy. Her father is one of thousands of Frenchmen who will never come home. Life is hard for a young girl eager to take on the world. And then the Germans arrive. And with them, Geert. The town fills with enemy uniforms. The officers are distributed throughout homes in the town. Geert is sent to the teacher’s house, Claire’s home. Gradually, the two young people stop seeing each other as enemies and begin to see each other for what they are: an eighteen-year-old boy and a sixteen-year-old girl. They fall deeply in love. But fate, which brought them together in such adverse circumstances, will separate them. Russia has declared war on Germany and German soldiers are sent to the Russian front. Geert and Claire are not even given a final farewell... And the hard life that awaits the young traitor in her town is not much easier than the one awaiting Geert on the Russian front.

Highlights Under the same sky


An anti-war novel that speaks of the need for people to continue living,no matter how hard times are.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 176 pages | ISBN: 978-84-664-1637-5 | Imprint: Columna Edicions

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