Personal selection
Original title: TRIA PERSONAL
Category: Fiction

Personal selection

Original title: TRIA PERSONAL
Category: Fiction

Everyone knows that the works themselves are like children and in the depths of your soul, it is difficult to establish differences. It frequently happens that the weakest children are those who most need our help, and we are inclined to defend them with fervor. However, it is the reader the one who is at the bottom of these considerations. He will cast the final judgment. I never tire of asserting —and perhaps I repeat what has already been said by most authoritative voices— that a book belongs in a fifty percent to the author, and the remaining fifty percent to the reader, every reader.

With extraordinarily skilful writingand rich language, Calders makes masterful use of imagination and fantasy, leading us to question what we think ‘normal’ is.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 280 pages | ISBN: 978-84-9930-546-2 | Imprint: labutxaca