After Nature
Original title: Del natural

After Nature

Original title: Del natural

Interactions between art and nature
In this essay, Martí Domínguez invites us on an eye-opening journey through the history of art following a particular thematic thread: the perception of the natural world. Taking the reader from Giotto’s depiction of a lamb to Gaugin’s Polynesian women via the Italian and Flemish Renaissance, Romanticism and Impressionism, the author reflects on each artistic interpretation of nature in its myriad forms - including the concept of human nature as well as the landscapes which surround us.
Gazing through this naturalistic lens, After Nature reveals a whole host of new and surprising perspectives on different artworks, expertly detailing the lives of painters and some of their greatest creations in rich and evocative prose.
Reimagining art through nature.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 352 pages | ISBN: 978-84-297-8138-0 | Imprint: Edicions 62

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