As Once Lili Marlene
Original title: Lili i Marlene
Category: Fiction | General Fiction

As Once Lili Marlene

Original title: Lili i Marlene
Category: Fiction | General Fiction

Lili and Marlene are seven-year-old identical twin sisters, born by artificial insemination, who move from Berlin to Barcelona shortly before the school year begins. Their mother fell in love with a Catalan man the summer before on Minorca and, after a period of long-distance communication, she decides that he is the love of her life and that she wants to be closer to him. Marlene is pure common sense and Lili pure manic brilliance. They and their mother form a very homogenous family unit. Living with this man starts out well but becomes a nightmare, eventually showing all the signs of abuse: the mother’s social isolation; verbal insults immediately followed by shows of remorse; demands that the house be kept increasingly spotless; denigrating comments in public; the mother feeling guilty; occasional incidents of physical abuse and sexual violence... But Marlene and Lili’s mother has some sort of Stockholm syndrome and puts up with it all, as it spirals desperately toward a tragic end.

A revealing cross-section of a relationship marked by physical and psychological abuse and the Stockholm syndrome, narrated from the perspective of two seven-year-old girls. 

Technical data

Publishing date: | 304 pages | ISBN: 978-84-664-1968-0 | Imprint: Columna Edicions