Fucking New York
Original title: Fucking New York

Fucking New York

Original title: Fucking New York

The story of my limits.

Fucking New York is the memoir of a girl who ran away to New York to find her place in the world. The city, imposing and raw, plays into her own insecurities, just as she will use it, including the places where she lives and the people she meets, to write a story that constantly swings between extremes. The panic will end four years later when she finally takes responsibility for her actions and understands love.

Highlights Fucking New York


"We hurt others out of fear. A sticky mass of guilt and shame, too often invisible. Fucking New York, man. Those were years of bigtime adventure, the ones that define us".

Technical data

Publishing date: | 392 pages | ISBN: 978-84-19734-02-0 | Imprint: Ediciones Destino